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Our Ponies

Ponies and Horses

Through fundraising and a massive amount of support, we are able to own and manage our own ponies for Mid Sussex region RDA sessions.  

Here’s a little about our two wonderful family members:


William is a gorgeous, dependable 14hh piebald cob.  He has been with us for over two years now and was gifted through donations raised to purchase him.  He has proven invaluable in all our sessions, kind, gentle and so willing to help.  Many of our riders have bonded with his quiet, loving nature.

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Tilly is our latest addition to the group.  She is a 15.2hh dun mare and is currently settling in so well with her surroundings and the job in hand. She is kind, gentle and giving and is undergoing intensive training to provide the best support she can to our riders.  She is already a massive favourite with our volunteers.

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Our group also has access to our horses and ponies, who are tried and tested in their abilities to provide the best they can for all our riders. 


If you are interested in ‘sponsoring’ one of our horses, please do get in touch

Contact Us

Get in touch with us for any enquiries or to learn more about our programmes and how you can volunteer, participate and or support our cause


© 2024 Mid Sussex Group RDA.  Charity No. 1171410

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